BSNL Restricting bandwidth in Unlimited plans

I have U/L plan which is cheapest at Rs 750 .. the only disadvantage is that the d/l speeds are not higher than 30 kbps on a good day, lower if its during weekends and hoildays amd peak hours, ..
Has anyone else also realised the same ??

I strongly feel that BSNL have purposely RESTRICTED U/L plan holders from large and continousdownloads as thay prefer to give bandwidth to the regular plans who have to PAY more per MB downloaded and so thay earn more revenue ... how can I prove this ? if any one has any ideas or suggestions I would appreciate the same .... as I intend to collect Data and file acomplaint with the Consumer Forum against BSNL for misleading advertising and false promises !!
I myself get ridiculous speeds of less that 10 -15 kbps on a daily basis may be increasing to 25- 30 kbps towards late night, but I have NEVER seen speeds of even 50Kbps - and above
What I do see is an Intial spurt of 90+ Kbps which then steadily drops to a pathetic level os < 20 to 30 kbps

when BSNL CLAIMS say 250 kbps, I understand its not possible to get 250 kbps exactly but on a stated 250 kbps d/l speed at least 190 - 200 kbps should be ideally given .... not the DROP in speeds menttioned earlier
in fact I called ona BSNL official whose theory is as follows, if a bank has 500 crores (BANDWIDTH ) at its disposal it needs to distribute it accordingly to the value of the customer ( BSNL PLAN ) so we are not going to get all 500 crores at its disposal , but only what they see fit in terms of revenue generated ... This make it clear my theory that we are being restricted in order to provide higher bandwidth to higher plan holders that earn BSNL higher revenues .. does it make sense ??

By the way this offical also reads this forum and may very well be a member reading all our posts generated ...this is just Fyi
we need to band together and take on the Monopoly created by Bsnl and its "take or leave it attitude "

I hope to hear from this vast user Forum on this issue !! esp frm U/L plan holders

regds Jairam

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